Romanian Projects

Romanian Projects

Fundacion Equipo Humano participates in the following new projects: “Active employment measures and strategies for unemployed persons’’ and “Employment opportunities for a better life in rural areas” collaborating with  S.C.

Romanian Projects

Romanian Projects

Fundacion Equipo Humano participates in the following new projects: “Active employment measures and strategies for unemployed persons’’ and “Employment opportunities for a better life in rural areas” collaborating with  S.C.

Convocatoria: Asociaciones estratégicas en el campo de la Juventud

Convocatoria: Asociaciones estratégicas en el campo de la Juventud

Acción clave 2. Cooperación para la innovación y las buenas prácticas Objetivos de Acción Clave 2  1..Incrementar la capacidad y relevancia del aprendizaje en la educación y la  formación. 2.Proveer

Call for proposals: Strategic Partnerships for Youth

Call for proposals: Strategic Partnerships for Youth

Introduction-General Information Co-operation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices is all about enabling organisations to work together in order to improve their provision for learners and share innovative practices.

Convocatoria: Erasmus para Jóvenes Emprendedores

Convocatoria: Erasmus para Jóvenes Emprendedores

Objetivos e información general : El Erasmus para jovenes emprendedores es un Programa de Intercambios transnacionales que ofrece a emprendedores noveles y personas que desean crear una empresa la oportunidad

Call for proposals: Erasmus for young entrepreneurs

Call for proposals: Erasmus for young entrepreneurs

Objectives The overall objective of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme is to enhance  entrepreneurship, develop the international outlook and competitiveness of EuropeanSMEs and foster potential start-up entrepreneurs and newly-established

Programa ERASMUS +

Programa ERASMUS +

Objetivos e Informacion General Erasmus+ tiene como objetivo mejorar las cualificaciones y la empleabilidad y modernizar la educación, la formación y el trabajo juvenil. El programa durará siete años y

ERASMUS + Programme

ERASMUS + Programme

Objectives and general Information The fields of education, training, youth and sport can make a major contribution to help tackle the key challenges that Europe is facing both now and

HORIZON 2020 Programme

HORIZON 2020 Programme

Main Objectives and General Information  Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) –

Call for proposals: For Social Policy Innovations Supporting Reforms in Social Services

Call for proposals: For Social Policy Innovations Supporting Reforms in Social Services

REF: VP/2014/008 The European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation «EaSI» 2014-2020 is a  European-level  financing  instrument  managed  directly  by  the  European  Commission  to  support Union’s objectives in terms of

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